We will be finishing up the Star Wars adventure tomorrow. It will not take the full session (maybe an hour or two). We will fill the remaining time with new PFS quests from the Silverhex Chronicles. I expect that we will likely get through 2 quests.
These quests are a bit different from the previous quests. These grant XP, PP and gold. There are 6 quests in total. The more quests you play, the greater the rewards on the chronicle sheet. These new quests require a 1st level pregen to play. Credit must be assigned to a 1st level character. Once you have played another scenario with that character which assigns XP, that character can no longer play any of the remaining quests. All six quests are replayable. Each time a new 1st level character must receive credit.
Chronicle rewards as follows:
1 quest - 1 XP, 1 PP, 100 GP
2 quests - 1 XP, 1 PP, 250 GP
3 quests - 1 XP, 1 PP, 250 GP, boon
4 quests - 1 XP, 2 PP, 350 GP, boon
5 quests - 1 XP, 2 PP, 500 GP, boon
6 quests - 1 XP, 2 PP, 500 GP, 2 boons
Rewards are set based on the number of quests played rather than cumulative. The rewards do get progressively better but not in every category. There is also an opportunity to earn a 3rd boon during play of the quests.
The latest vesrion of the pregens are available at http://paizo.com/download/pathfinder/PFS-Pregens.zip. This file includes the 10 new ACG iconics. New/updated versions of the CRB icons, the APG iconics (alchemist, cavalier, inquisitor, oracle, summoner, witch) and Ultimate Magic iconic (magus) are in the works but there is no ETA at this time. I am not sure if the Ultimate Combat iconics (gunslinger, ninja, samurai) are due for a rework or not.
We will plan for Bruce to run #43 The Pallid Plague on 10/14. If folks would like, we can finish up the remaining quests on 10/21.
I printed 2 copies of each of the ACG pregens.